Dated - Feb 14, 2012
May be, this day fills some of the hearts with a joy, but for me, it’s just a "Black Day". It was the same day for me in routine, I just woke up as usual. This single heart does not seem for a special one for its (special) day. Because, I was happy for some other thing, my next step in my career is on the building stage. All the rounds were completed for the new company and I am eagerly waiting for their acceptance. The final round has also been completed.
Even though I went to the Office, my mind is spinning with the positive and negative thoughts; my eyes are searching for the reply mail from the company, my ears are waiting for their call. Later, my patience got dried as time runs on its track.
The time almost got ticked to 5 pm. I am in a hurry on the way to home. I left office before than usual.
All of a sudden, My Mobile is roaring in the pockets. The letters DAD alerted me. But he conveyed me with the bad news “Nanamma Chanipoyindhira”,(which happened around 5:30 pm). The mind has stopped working as it hit with a shock. Really it’s a bad news for me. I can’t explain here my grief. I have no words to speak. I have no air to breath.
Those two words got stuck, which are unable to escape from my mind. With the same mind, I started to my Home Town.
I got a call from my Dad today at the same time(5.30 pm), we remembered this day. How would we forget?
Later one or more days, I got a good news, “I am Selected”. But in the appointment letter, the day of acceptance was on 14th Feb, that same day. Actually, it was delayed by 2 days.
Even after changing to the new place, those memories surrounded my brain. It never left me alone, the alone bought the memories, grief and little drops from my eyes.